
An example of #saveperthhills signage around the area since SP34 North Stoneville was announced.
Save Perth Hills Signage. From “Flickr,” by M. Douglas, 2019 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/184492905@N03/48752371913).
  • Representing Self

    September 16, 2019 by

    Choosing an avatar was difficult, with self-representation as important to me as enabling freedom of participation through anonymity. While originally leaning towards a photograph taken in the Perth Hills; John Forrest National Park, Noble Falls or local flora and fauna, I took a step back and asked myself, what are you trying to represent? At… Read more

  • Limit urban sprawl – a common issue

    A recent article out of Queensland shows we are not alone in the Perth Hills, in the need for creating action groups in an attempt to stop developers from altering our environment and our lifestyles. Councils and governments around the country have a tough gig predicting the future needs of a rising population, and a… Read more

  • Importance of SP34

    The North Stoneville development, also known as SP34, should be on the radar of anyone in this country that has an interest in sustainable development, conservation and environmental issues. Located within the Shire of Mundaring, and listed as 1 of 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world, the impact such a development will have on the… Read more

  • Personal Interest

    Living in close proximity to this development and keeping in mind the very essence of why we bought our family home, has led me to take such an interest in this particular development. It is the feeling of a fairly imminent change to our life style and surroundings that has almost frightened me into the… Read more

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